Tuesday, November 25, 2008

November 25, 2008

I woke up to about 4 or 5 inches of snow here and it is so beautiful looking at the window. The wonderful Damascus Township plows have already been through our road, at about 6:00am. That was a concern when we moved back here in the woods, Peter wanted to make sure we could get out, well we must be high on the list, because we will definitely get out today. School is delayed 2 hours, Gabby will be happy about that.
So today will probably be spent shoveling snow at the Restaurant and trying to somehow get the rest of the 2 cords of wood for home. We spent most of our day off yesterday moving wood to our house. Yesterday was also the first day of bear hunting season in PA. There were lots of gunshots , flourescent orange and camouflage around these parts. I always get a little chuckle this time of year here, especially because our kids are out of school the first day of buck season.(where else does that happen). Oh the country life!!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!!! We are open for Thanksgiving at the Restaurant, which is just a part of being in the business. You work holidays and weekends, when most other people are relaxing and just enjoying days off. But we don't grumble or complain because that is what we do. After we serve our customers their Thanksgiving meal we will go to Peter's mother's and join our family for dinner. Our family is very supportive and do not mind waiting for us to join them.
As I have said before in this blog, the Restaurant business is hard and demanding, but I have so much to be thankful for. I have a wonderful family, we are all healthy and we live in a country where we have the opportunity to have a business of our choice. So remember,with all the gloom and doom on the news, to count your blessings and be thankful for what you have. I am!!!!!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

November 14, 2008

We are finally moved in to our little house in the woods and thank God for DSL. The first week we were tied to dial-up, what a nightmare. Remembering a time when there was only dial-up I do realize that I am spoiled, and that I do love technology. I try to keep our website up to date with menus, seasonal things, hours and anything else that seems to need posting. This all requires me to be at the computer for longer that I sometimes have, but I am trying to keep up.

We are now past the election and hope seems to be in our midst. We all hope that our new leaders will bring good things to our businesses, personal finances and our country in general. Unfortunately,the turnaround will not be instinct and only time will tell.

The restaurant business has been typical November restaurant in Narrowsburg. Those times when you are glad to have nights with 8 to 10 customers, rather than none at all. Businesses begin to cut back on hours, as we have, because it takes more to open some nights, than you would actually bring in. Our hour cuts allow us to be home a little more in the winter months, help Gabby with homework and just kind of repool our energies to get us through next summer. (which I can hardly wait already for).

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and Peter is putting together the menu. We always have a hard time deciding what hours we should be open on that day. The first year we did early afternoon and last year we did dinner. Last year it seemed everyone came around 5:30, dining room full all at once. So we decided to go back to early 12:00pm to 4:00pm, that should accomodate all of those black Friday shoppers that get up at 4:30 to go shopping (crazy).

So please join us for Thanksgiving and also consider us for small Christmas parties. Tis the Season........

Monday, November 3, 2008

November 3, 2008

The Schott family is officially in their new home and it is chaos. Moving day 2 (Tuesday) was the first snowfall of the year. That was fun!!!! Not only is hi-speed a luxury here in the country but Dish Network seems to be right this minute. We have had 2 appointments with them so far and they have showed up for neither, it is infuriating. Not just not having TV but taking hours of mine and Peter's time waiting for them. Supposedly today is the day we will see. Now we move onto organizing and making our home comfy, that is the fun part.

With trying to get phone (1 day late), appliance deliveries (2 hours late), and television (1 week late) the subject of customer service should be addressed. I said to one person I was screaming at on the phone, that it is ridiculous for me to have to beg for them to take my money. In the Restaurant business it is immediate customer service and if you don't treat each customer as if they were the only at that moment, you don't get a second chance, they might never come back. I, being dining room manager, worry each time I think that a customer has waited to long, didn't like their meal or is just dissatisfied about something. It doesn't seem to be true with the services I have been trying to acquire, I am just another account that they have to deal with and if I opt not to use their services, so be it. Also, living in the country you don't have a whole lot of choices they have a monopoly on such things as phone etc.

All that being said I love my new little cabin in the woods and we move into November. For us that means getting ready for Thanksgiving at the restaurant. We have decided to serve from 12:00 to 4:00. The first year we were open for Thanksgiving we did these hours and the 2nd year we did the dinner hour, and everyone ate early. Peter does a wonderful Thanksgiving meal, it is usually Prix Fixe and includes traditional turkey and the trimmings. And with the hours that we are serving maybe the Schott family can sit down and have Thanksgiving dinner afterward, we have a lot to be Thankful for.