Monday, December 1, 2008

December 1, 2008

So Thanksgiving has come and gone and we have a couple of days off. Thanksgiving was good for us at the restaurant. Afterwards we went to Peter's Mom's and had a great meal with our family. Christmas decorations are going up all over Narrowsburg and the season is beginning. Gabby is home from school today (first day of buck season in PA) so I thing we are going to decorate the house a little, she gets so excited about Christmas. It all seems to move so fast. Peter and I always look and each other and say can you believe it is "December" already.
This Sunday we will be going to NYC to cater a party. It is going to be a lot of hard work for us this week but we are very excited about it. We will see how it all goes, having to cart everything 2 hours away. Hopefully it will go off without a hitch. Peter is very good at planning and pulling everything together, I on the other hand just kind of wait for him to tell me what to do. Which he is very good at might I add!!!!!
Peter had been reminding me to mention in my blog that we had a wonderful Elk dinner a few weeks ago. Peter's cousin Linda and her siginificant other Gene, had us over when Gene got back from Montana with his elk. Cousin Ellen cooked a wondeful meal and we had a great time.
Happy shopping to all who are venturing out this week. Stop in for a wonderful meal after a long day of shopping you deserve to have someone else cook for you.

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