Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 20, 2009

I finally have a day off from both jobs to blog. I know my fans are very patiently waiting for me to blog LOL. I have been very busy since the beginning of January. I work at the restaurant and and when I’m not at the restaurant I work as the bookkeeper and controller with ‘Charles Petersheim of Catskill Farms (www.thecatskillfarms.com) , who designs and builds farmhouses and cottages in Sullivan County and the Catskills, as well as other assorted real estate stuff.” I have been working for Charles off and on for about 4 years now and he does do good stuff.
What to say about January, very cold, snowy and business is unpredictable. We just had Eaglefest weekend, which was very cold and not as good as previous years businesswise. I would like to thank the Eagle Alliance from bringing such a nice event to Narrowsburg. The River Reporter "Best of Awards" come out in January, which is always something to look forward to. Then we start preparing for Valentine's Day, which is usually a pretty good day for us at the Restaurant. But, Considering all of the snow that we have had and subzero temperatures, business has not been horrible. I know that in today's economy everyone is seeing a dip in business and we all just have to hang in there.
I think that we all want to be hopeful for the future and today being inauguration day for our new president fills, us with hope. Hope, that the change that we have so desperately wished for will make our lives better in some way. I think that we (even myself) lose sight of the important things, especially when economic times are tough, money seems to be the answer. Certainly money makes life easier, but I have been blessed with a wonderful Husband, daughter and family, which really makes life a little easier. All we can do is keep working hard, loving well and living each day to it's fullest. Those are the things that make life better.
Moving on from my soap box....Gabby is playing basketball and it is such a proud moment for me to watch her . She has been playing since she in 4th grade and each year she gets a little better. She is growing up so fast soon to be 13, OH NO!!!! So also, when I am not at one of my two jobs we have to get her to and from practice and games, do homework, projects..etc. Peter also will start teaching at SCC again this week. He will be teaching 2 classes a week. So we stay pretty busy even if the restaurant is slow.
So here we go into the second half of January, waiting patiently for, better weather, more business and hope for our econonmy. We'll See what happens!!!!!

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