Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February 18, 2009

Well it is snowing outside, once again, don't know how much more I can stand. I know we aren't supposed to get much but enough already. Hope all of my readers had a restful, love filled Valentine's Day and Long President's weekend. We are I guess 2/3 rds of the way through February and I think ready for spring, eventhough we know it will not come for several more weeks in the Northeast.
Valentine's Day at the restaurant was wonderful, the best night we have had in 3 years!!!! I even had new customers that actually read this blog. They were very happy with their meal and said they would be back. That is always what we strive for, Customers coming back time after time. I had to turn down some reservations and that is always hard to do. But you know what and how many you can do in one evening, and there was just no more room. Those are the nights that you wish you had a bigger dining room, but wouldn't be able to fill in throughout the rest of the winter. So we are very appreciative and thankful to have a night like that.
I always get nervous when our reservation book is completely full. I think a lot of people don't understand that there is a plan, and if things do go according to plan, then it isn't good. I try to allow 2 to 2 1/2 hours per table and then plan on using that table again. Sometimes people stay longer and then the next reservation comes in and you have no table. I don't like making people wait, but sometimes you have to. I don't think anyone waited Saturday for longer than a couple of minutes for their table, what a miracle. Kitchen Staff and Wait Staff were at the top of their game and kept it all going smoothly. By the end of the night the staff was so exhausted but laughing and just enjoying the great night we had. What a great team we have now @ Restaurant 15 Main.
The second half of February and March are typically slow so Peter, Gabby and I are actually going to go on vacation for the first time in 4 years. We will be closed from March 13, 2009 to March 19, 2009. We will reopen the Restaurant on Friday March 20th. I have always been concerned about being closed for any amount of time, but Peter needs a vacation and that is also his spring break from teaching college.
Thanks to everyone that joined us for Valentine's Day, we really appreciate you patronage. Someone said that Valentine's Day is a Hallmark Holiday.....I would like to thank personally thank Hallmark, for a much needed remembrance of how busy the Restaurant can be. It is so much fun for us when we are busy, tiring, but fun, fun, fun.
Have a great week, and come see us when you need a great meal.

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