Friday, April 24, 2009

April 24, 2009

Once again, I have been very delinquent in posting to my blog. Things have been very busy in the Schott household. My Mother & my Aunt were here for a week for Gabby's 13th Birthday. I think we celebrated her Birthday for about 4 weeks, we still have balloons in the house. The next week my Sister Jessica and her Boyfriend Jon were here for Easter. So there has been no time to Blog. Today is the first day I can remember that I don't have to rush out of here and get something else done. So I am attempting to catch up on things, including my blogging.
We had a wonderful Easter, Brunch at the Restaurant and then a family gathering @ Aunt Patty's. While at Aunt Patty's we had great food and went Ostrich hunting. I know, farfetched but, the story is, that someone that lives in the vicinity went into the woods and saw an Ostrich. A science teacher, so you gotta believe the story, and it isn't as farfetched as it seems. I guess there are people around that raise them, so maybe one escaped...I don't know. But the women of the family decided, (because the men were watching golf) to take a little trek in the woods and see if we could see anything. We didn't, but made up some stories to tell the guys, of course they didn't believe us. We had a wonderful time with the whole thing.
On April 18, Peter gave a cooking demonstration for Upper Delaware Lifestyles, on how to make Ricotta Gnocchi. There were lots of people in Narrowsburg for the event and we had about 25 people in the kitchen for the demonstration. I would like to thank Elaine & Peg for putting on such a great event to draw people into Narrowsburg. It always helps for new people to discover our Artsy, Eclectic little town, hopefully they will return many more times.
The weather forecast for this weekend could not make me happier. Those of you that know me, know that I am a Southern girl and the hotter the better. I cannot wait for those 80 degree temperatures, and lots and lots of sunshine. Hopefully people will be out and about....looking for a wonderful dinner @ Restaurant 15 Main. Hopefully I can sneak in a little sunshine time for myself.
Everyone have a great sunshine filled weekend and hope to see you at the Restaurant soon.

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